Monday, May 29, 2006 Posted by Picasa

This is Teddy. Posted by Picasa

He's with me.  Posted by Picasa

Closing a spring loaded gate. Posted by Picasa

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 Posted by Picasa feet! Posted by Picasa

Daddy's new setup. Posted by Picasa

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Yes, this will do.  Posted by Picasa

Mommy and Daddy took me to the beach house at Lake Temescal this weekend.  Posted by Picasa

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I decided I didn't like playing in a lake. Posted by Picasa

Meanwhile, back on land... Posted by Picasa

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This is much better. Posted by Picasa

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Wait, where are all my tools? Posted by Picasa

I see where they went. Now what are these?  Posted by Picasa

Never mind, Let's play!  Posted by Picasa

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