Saturday, February 04, 2006

It's party time. Here comes the train! Posted by Picasa

All aboard! Posted by Picasa

And off we go... Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa

And here we go again with Auntie Terry and Anna D.  Posted by Picasa

What have we here? Posted by Picasa

Yummy cupcakes! Posted by Picasa

Wow, what's all this? Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa

Can I get some help please?  Posted by Picasa

Now this is fun... Posted by Picasa

Oh goodie, more books! Posted by Picasa

Now who are you again? Posted by Picasa

That's Anna D. with her Mommy and Daddy Posted by Picasa

Here's my other friend Anna. She likes presents too! Posted by Picasa

Wooo...I like how that works. Posted by Picasa

That's all folks! Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 03, 2006

Presents from Auntie Cece. Posted by Picasa

Between the song bus and these blocks, I'm sure to learn my ABCs. Posted by Picasa

Present from Grandpa and Grandma Steinmeier Posted by Picasa

Hi Grandpa! Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday, William! Posted by Picasa
From Mommy to William:

Wee Little William
So innocent and so sweet,
Born of a love
so deep and complete.

While your laughter is infectious,
And your smile melts away sadness,
Your kicks, screams and moans
Do drive me to madness.

A bundle of joy
That is loved and adorned;
You're a boy on a mission,
Who won't be ignored.

I wish you love.
And I wish you joy;
A long and happy life
for my one year old boy.